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2024년 영어예배부 사역계획서


1. 주제(Vision) : Reset 2024. Make me to live with your righteousness (1 Thess. 5:16-18)


2. 표어: The God of Restoration

            : God can bring blessings out of fear.


3. 주제말씀

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God" (Philippians 4:6)


3. 교육목표

A. Back to normal worship

B. Back to normal prayer

C. Back to normal fellowship

D. Back to normal faithful life

Whenever we feel overwhelmed by the chaos and difficulty of life, we can turn to God in prayer for peace and serenity. In this time of uncertainty, we should teach our children what is basic for the spiritual life not to be agitated by this situation, but to be stood firm by the faith.


4. 교육방침

In accordance with special circumstances of Corona-19, JESS(Jesus English Sunday Service) will serve the English worship as below

English learning with Kids' Catechism

- Hand out weekly learning resources on site (26 weeks)

- Sharing online learning resources in social media

Kids' Catechism & helpful/ faithful video clips

Writing and Reading Pauline epistles: Paul's four prison epistles

- Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

Reading Resource: Kids Bible / The Bible App for kids


The Bible App for kids

52 weeks reading Bible in Application


5. 예배시간

1) 주일예배: 매주 오후 1:30-2:30

2) 지하 영어 예배실


6. 조직

교장: 황남일 목사

지도: 임병관 목사

부장: 김선주 교사 부감: 유진희 교사 총무/회계: 임혜란 교사

교사: 김선주, 유진희, 임혜란, 김다인, 조계현, 장예은, 임지은, 이영은

찬양인도 : 김다인

132916 서울특별시 도봉구 창3동 505-7 TEL : 02-994-8812 지도보기

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